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Whaddaweek #10

Writer: David GrowingUpDavid GrowingUp

Artowrk from FEVER 333, girlfriends, Dear Youth, Northcote, Millington, Pennyworth, Love & Monsters, Outcast, Unsolved Mysteries, and Paranorman.
Whaddaweek #10

It's a little hard to believer, but we've hit double digits of these things. Anyway, on to the goods.

5 Things You Should Be Watching

Love and Monsters

In the vein of such movies as Zombieland and Warm Bodies this movie blends genres wonderfully. And just like those two movies, it has a lot of heart. One of my favorite new movies I've seen in 2020, though admittedly that's not saying much.


A surprising movie to me. I didn't expect to like it as much as I did. Well worth making a part of your Halloween festivities every year! Also I had fun with the little controversial reveal at the end of the movie that caused audible grumbles from the parents in the theatre I saw it with on opening weekend all those years ago.


Based on a comic book written by The Walking Dead creator Robert Kirkman, it centers around a young man who possesses powers capable of fighting demons and possession. Patrick Fugit stars and along with the rest of the cast does a great job creating a great feel for the show. This show only lasted 2 seasons but it is fantastic. Sadly there is a cliffhanger that will be left hanging.

Unsolved Mysteries

The only thing that would make these better would be more supernatural mysteries and somehow an alive Robert Stack rocking that trench coat. This batch is not as good as the first, but it's still good for the True Crime lover in us all.


A show I didn't want. I remember thinking "Why?" when it was announced... But like the Batman addict I am I watched it and surprisingly loved it. It centers around Alfred Pennyworth before he becomes the most famous butler in comics history and possibly in all of literature. The show also features Thomas Wayne and Martha Kane (eventually Bruce's parents) and the lot of them are all fighting for the future of the UK in one way or another. Season 2 premieres in December so plenty of time to catch up on season 1.

5 Things You Should Be Listening To

Millington - Brass Emo Vol. 1 EP

Ska is a happy genre, right? Well, Millington looks to bring a little sadness to the bright and happy brass, with this covers EP. Featuring horny renditions of artists like Trash Boat, Fall Out Boy, Dashboard Confessional, and more, it's a fun trip...sad or not.

Dear Youth - Heirloom

Dear Youth have burst on to the scene with their debut full length. With a concept dealing with the struggle of the passing of time, and expressing it in different ways, this album should be on your list of top pop punk albums for the year - especially a year where time seems to have slowed right down.

Northcote - Let Me Roar

Matt Goud might have one of the most soothing voices in all of music. With each release, you can find comfort in what he's singing about - the characters and the stories he tells. Let Me Roar is no different. It also serves as a great record to accompany the upcoming colder months.


If all caps is to signify yelling, FEVER 333 have stylized their brand that way, for a specific reason. They have a message and they want you to hear it. Jason Aalon Butler (ex letlive.) leads the charge on this record which plays like 'what Rage Against The Machine could have maybe sounded like in 2020'. The opening track 'Bite Back' is an unbelievably hard hitting song.

girlfriends - girlfriends

If no caps is to signify being not angry...ok I'll stop there. girlfriends is the project of Travis Mills (perhaps better known as T. Mills) who used to release hip hop and synthpop tracks. girlfriends is his new pop punk endeavour. If you're looking for something that'll play nicely in the background, that you'll find yourself subconsciously singing along to...this is the record.

Thanks again to feji for telling us what to watch. Whaddaweek it was, maybe we will do this again next week.

Want more recommendations? Check out Whaddaweek #9.


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